Public realm project for city centre moves forward
24 May 2018
A plan to create new public realm space in Aberdeen city centre at Schoolhill has taken a step forward after the business case was presented to the Council’s Capital Programme Committee.
The Committee agreed to go forward with the first stage of approval for funding up to £550,000 for an urban realm improvement project, and to seek external partner funding, for the area outside the Art Gallery and Cowdray Hall.
The project principles would see the existing footway widened to improve the setting for both the Art Gallery and Cowdray Hall by reducing the carriageway width at Schoolhill whilst maintaining two-way traffic.
Capital Programme Committee convener Councillor Marie Boulton said: “The Council is pleased to be adding this project – which has the potential to support the City Centre Masterplan – to the Capital Programme.
“We need Aberdeen’s heart to be an inclusive and attractive place where people will want to live, work and visit.”
On June 7th the report will go to the Strategic Commissioning Committee, which is being asked to approve the business case for a comprehensive urban realm project for the entire Schoolhill area for which this project could be Stage 1.
The project would then go forward to the Council’s City Growth and Resources Committee on June 19th with a recommendation to approve the Stage 1 budget.