Residents urged not to dump garden waste over their fences

04 September 2020

Residents were today urged not to dump garden waste over their fences or fly tip garden waste around the city as it is illegal and creates an unsightly mess in communities.

There are ways which people can dispose of garden waste without resorted to dumping it - all four household waste and recycling centres can take garden waste for recycling, people can compost garden waste to make their own compost, or, if they have a garden waste permit, it can be put into a household brown bin for the City Council to take away.

Dumped garden waste is not very attractive to residents or visitors enjoying glorious countryside areas such as the Deeside Way or Kincorth Hill. It can also be damaging to wildlife by smothering native plants and even encourage the establishment of non-native invasive species which over time can cause tremendous ecological damage as many animals depend on native plants for food.

Even just the impact of enriching the soils from green waste composting down can cause changes to that mean the wildflowers and fine grasses that are so important to our wildlife are lost to the more vigorous brambles, nettles and docks. Plants such as giant hogweed, Japanese knotweed, and Himalayan balsam are all garden escapees which are now causing serious damage to the countryside in Aberdeen and across the UK, costing millions of pounds to manage.

Some people are using the countryside sites to store building materials or to fly tip by getting rid of unwanted soil and turf which is illegal, is damaging to natural areas, and will cost the City Council to clear up, reducing funds to deliver other essential council services or maintain greenspaces.

A Council spokesperson said: “We’d ask everyone to please help look after our natural environment and act responsibly when it comes to getting rid of your garden waste - dumping it over the fence onto someone else’s land is fly tipping and illegal.

“We’d also urge people not to dump garden waste in woodland, grassland or other places around the city as again, it’s illegal and creates an unsightly mess for people who are enjoying these areas.

“There are plenty of ways people can dispose of garden waste safely and responsibly and we’d urge everyone to use these ways to ensure the city is kept tidy and free from mess and flytipping.”

Householders who use a contractor for maintaining their garden are asked to ensure the contractor disposes of their business waste responsibly.

In addition to the dumping of garden waste and fly-tipping, a small number of residents have cut down trees and bushes – people should contact the City Council if trees or bushes on council land are causing a problem.

In some places, local residents have started to use public greenspaces as garden extensions with compost bins, garden furniture, planters and garden ornaments just outside garden fences in areas which have been taken over without permission.

Anyone who is interested in helping to look after the city’s parks and greenspaces can get involved in several ways including the very popular Friends groups which carry out fantastic work in communities all over Aberdeen.