Twin Gardens project

22 November 2015

A scheme which has created a garden between two high-rise sheltered housing complexes has been officially launched.

The Twin Gardens Project was suggested to Aberdeen City Council by two tenants at Woodhill Court and Castleton Court, Sheila Pratt and Moira Collins, through their sheltered housing tenants participation group which meets once a month.

The pair then got other residents involved, and council officers were only too delighted to get involved by providing flowers, plants, and experts to help plan and build the garden.

A total of 4,000 crocuses have been planted to give the area a bright burst of colour in the springtime.

Aberdeen City Council Communities, Housing and Infrastructure convener Councillor Neil Cooney said: "The Twin Gardens Project is a fantastic scheme and the new plants and garden area will no doubt look beautiful come Spring.

"The scheme has brought together the residents of the two high-rises to work together with Aberdeen City Council to brighten up their neighbourhood.

"I would like to congratulate the two ladies on suggesting the garden and all their hard work."

Sheila Pratt said: "We're really delighted about the garden and would like to say thanks to everyone involved.

"The gardens will make such a difference to the residents as many can't get out and about like they used to, so being able to sit outside on a nice sunny day will be a bonus.

"We're doing a lot of planning just now in the winter months and have a lot to look forward to in the spring, when the crocuses come up and also school pupils helping out too."

The project team already has plans in place for next year, with a circular seat around a tree and a wind break to be created along with more planting.

Pupils at Northfield Academy are going to be involved in helping by planting the flowers and charity Greenspace is also helping with the scheme.