Union Terrace Gardens planning amendment: consultation close reminder
14 December 2017
The formal consultation period for comment on an amendment to the detailed planning application for Union Terrace Gardens (UTG) will close on December 20th, 2017.
Plans to revitalise UTG under the City Centre Masterplan were approved in principle by Aberdeen City Council in March 2017. The detailed planning application for UTG was submitted in April 2017 and is awaiting determination.
The design has developed in response to feedback from key stakeholders while continuing to meet the guiding principles of better access, amenity and activity.
Refinements made by LDA Design allow for any future development of the adjacent railway and in addition follow advice from Historic Environment Scotland about enhancing heritage assets.
The amendment includes realigning the UTG/Union Bridge walkway and modifying the position and appearance of the Union Street/Union Terrace building.