Video made by pupils showing impact of speeding near their school

27 June 2018

A video has been made by pupils where they tell drivers about the potential impact of speeding near their schools.

The youngsters at Riverbank School were showing the video to parents and fellow pupils yesterday as part of their campaign to raise awareness among drivers of the issue.

The pupils carried out five sessions using speed guns in February, March, April, May, and June with officers from Police Scotland, where they stopped drivers going over 20mph.

The young campaigners asked the drivers questions including how they would feel if they were to knock down them or their friends, and were they aware they were approaching a school crossing.

Aberdeen City Council transport and regeneration spokesman Councillor Ross Grant said: “The video made by the pupils is an important part of educating people that all motorists should slow down near schools.

“Driving too fast near a school can have devastating consequences so we are happy to be working with the school and Police Scotland officers to raise awareness.”

Sergeant Richard Roach, of Police Scotland, said: “We have been working with Riverbank Primary School on speed awareness campaigns and these sessions have been really positive as we’ve been able to speak to a lot of drivers and ask questions about their behaviour.

“Having the local kids involved is a great way to highlight to drivers who speed about the very real consequences speeding can have on vulnerable road users, such as young children.

“Our aim is to educate people to be safer drivers and to raise awareness about the consequences speeding and anti-social driving can have, and we are pleased to be supporting plans to develop the road safety project for Hayton Road further.”

A Living Streets project was undertaken in Tillydrone with local people to address the perception of speeding in the community. Parents and pupils were to be asked at yesterday’s event to give their feedback.