Work to start on flooding scheme

09 February 2016

Work is starting next week on a £140,000 Aberdeen City Council scheme to alleviate flood risk in a city community.

The Leggart Terrace Sewer Diversion project will reduce the volume of water in the existing sewer which currently fails during severe rainfall and storms.

The project is new extension or "diversion" of the existing sewer which when completed will remove the current flooding and sewer damage of the homes of nearby residents.

This area has been affected by flooding several times in recent years.

Aberdeen City Council Communities, Housing and Infrastructure convener Councillor Neil Cooney said: "Flooding causes huge problems for residents and businesses so it is good this scheme is coming to fruition now to help people in the Leggart Terrace area.

"We have already put in place several schemes around the city and we have a plan in place to help other areas which are regularly affected by flooding."

The works will involve excavating the roads on Leggart Terrace, Leggart Avenue and Leggart Place. This will allow two new manholes and three new runs of sewer pipe to be installed, which will form the new sewer diversion. Excavated roads will subsequently be reinstated.

Local residents have been informed of the works starting.

Thecontractor for the scheme is Hunter Construction (Aberdeen) Ltd, and it will start on 16 February and is due to be finished in about eight weeks.

Flood prevention schemes already in place across the city include:

The flood prevention scheme priorities for Aberdeen City Council include: