Circular Economy

Circular Economy workshops March 2023


Three online stakeholder workshops were carried out in March 2023 in partnership with Zero Waste Scotland, to review and work on the city-wide approach to a circular economy, as part of the Net Zero Aberdeen Routemap and Circular Economy Strategy.


The purpose of the three workshops was:


  • To understand the circular economy, its benefits, and the important role of cities in driving transition
  • To understand the strategic context within Aberdeen (linking to the Net Zero Aberdeen Routemap and Circular Economy Strategy)
  • To identify opportunities to integrate circular economy into existing projects and programmes of work
  • To identify opportunities for new circular economy projects and programmes
  • To prioritise actions and projects to take forward.


The three interactive workshops covered:


Valuing our resources for a circular future - 14th March 2023

Materials are recovered and regenerated; avoiding waste and recycling at end of life/maximising value from waste” 


Businesses and jobs for a circular future - 21st March 2023

Job creation and enhanced business resilience; exploring new business and behaviour models”


Maximising Product Life for a circular future - 28th March 2023

A reduction in emissions from the whole life cycle of products; designing for a circular economy and making things last”


Output from the sessions 

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