Adoption Transition expenses and subsistence


Section 3: Transition expenses and subsistence. 14

   Transition Expenses. 14

Subsistence Allowance. 14

Children of Foster Carers. 15

Children of Kinship Carers. 15

Additional transition costs. 15

How to claim mileage and subsistence. 16

Air Travel 16

Coach and Train Travel 16

Accommodation.. 17


Transition Expenses

Section.10 (2) (e) (ii) Adoption Support Services and Allowances (Scotland) Regulations 2009 refers to the expenditure for the purpose of introducing an adoptive child to the adoptive parents.

The Council will support reasonable expenses incurred by prospective adopters, foster carers and kinship carers during a child’s transition to the adoptive family.

Adopters and foster carers and kinship carers should be provided with guidance around permissible expenses during a child’s transition: this forms part of the Adoption Support Plan and should set out the roles and responsibilities within these arrangements.

  1. What is included.
  • Accommodation.
  • Car parking fees.
  • Public Transport/Taxi fares.
  • Fuel/mileage.
  • Subsistence allowance towards meals. (See Subsistence Allowance)

Note: Reimbursement of fuel is preferred where the cost of mileage is greater.

  1. What is not included.
  • Subsistence allowance for extended family members.
  • Food and drink purchased, which is included in the accommodation costs or when the accommodation provided is self-catering.
  • Personal purchases, snacks, cosmetics, cigarettes, stationery etc.
  • Alcohol.
  • Entry fees to activities and outings, not previously agreed with the adoption service.
  • Items for the child, such as clothing, toys and equipment.
  • Any other miscellaneous items.

Note: Expenses incurred during the transition will only be reimbursed when the request is accompanied by supporting receipts.


Subsistence Allowance

Food and Beverages

The Council will pay up to £25 per day subsistence per adult, but where an accommodation provider provides breakfast this will be reduced to £20 per day.

Meals will be reimbursed as follows, per adult:

  • Breakfast up to £5.00 – where it is not included in the accommodation costs.
  • Lunch - up to £10.00.
  • Evening Meal - up to £10.00.


Meals will be reimbursed as follows, per each child of adopter/s:

  • Breakfast up to £5.00 – where it is not included in accommodation costs.
  • Lunch - up to £5.00.
  • Evening Meal - up to £5.00.


Children of Foster Carers

Foster Carers will be required to meet the expenses of any foster child/ren in their care during the course of the transition, including the child to be placed for adoption as this will be covered by the child’s fostering allowance.


Children of Kinship Carers

Financial assistance to kinship carers regarding children in their care involved in transitioning the child to the adoptive family will be considered.


Additional transition costs

Financial assistance for travel costs will also be provided in respect of a child’s  transition, and specifically, relating to introductory meetings such as, ‘Bump Into’ meetings which form part of the child’s preparation, and ‘Child Appreciation Day’ events, but only when these form part of the agreed transition plan. Expenses incurred via these events will require prior approval from the Service Manager responsible for the adoption service and as outlined above any accommodation required to assist in facilitating these events will be arranged by the Council’s Travel Department.

The Council will reimburse kinship carers’ fuel/mileage and parking expenses and also contribute to the aforementioned expenses incurred by foster carers’ out with their normal mileage expenses.


How to claim mileage and subsistence

As outlined above, claimants will be required to evidence receipts relevant to all expenses claimed.

In respect of fuel receipts, the Council takes a ‘reasonable’ approach to reimbursing fuel and travel costs. Mileage may be reimbursed at a rate of 28 pence per mile. However, where this significantly exceeds the cost of fuel, then reimbursing fuel costs will be the Council’s preferred option.

All receipts should be forwarded to the adoption social worker within Aberdeen City Councils’ adoption service within four weeks of the expenses being incurred. (Unfortunately, the Council cannot reimburse expenses where a receipt is not provided). Any claims which are not made within three months of the expenditure risk not being met.

Claimants must provide bank details to allow for any claims to be processed. This needs to include account holder name, bank name, account code and sort code.


Air Travel

The Council will coordinate and arrange any flights required as part of the planning and transition process. These will be booked using the cheapest Economy Class fare (or equivalent), buying tickets with fixed dates and times. The cost of tickets will be considered within an overall ‘value for money’ approach and factors such as the predictability of travel plans, airline schedules, and connection times will be considered.

Flights will be booked by Aberdeen City Council’s Travel Services Department in liaison with the Family Finding Social Worker. If the prospective adopters or carers need to make any additional changes to the travel arrangements this must be discussed with the Family Finding Social Worker and any changes in fees/costs may need to be met by the prospective adopter or carer.


Coach and Train Travel

Coach and Train tickets will be booked by Aberdeen City Council’s Travel Services Department in liaison with the Family Finding Social Worker and prospective adopters or carers. The Family Finding Social Worker will consult with the prospective adopters or carers regarding appropriate flight times and carrier arrangements.

Train travel will be booked in a class equivalent to UK Standard Class, buying tickets with fixed dates and times. If the applicant is in possession of a rail card this should be highlighted at the time of application for the Council to benefit from any relevant discounts.



The requirement for accommodation to facilitate a transition, where distance is a challenge or a prohibitive factor, will be considered at the ‘linking and matching’ stage and when planning the child’s transition.

Where it is agreed that accommodation is required for either party, to ensure the robust support of the child during transition, the Council will coordinate and arrange all accommodation and will provide reasonable financial support in relation to suitable accommodation, based on the needs of the individuals involved, for example, Bed & Breakfast accommodation, Airbnb, hotel or self-catering accommodation.

The Council’s Travel Service Department will make any required bookings ensuring best value for money. Only in exceptional circumstances, where prior agreement has been reached and agreed by the Service Manager with responsibility for the adoption service, will foster carers, kinship carers or prospective adopters arrange their own accommodation, meet the costs and then seek later reimbursement.

A cap on accommodation expenses may be asserted where prospective adopters or carers select to use accommodation considered to be disproportionate in cost. A contribution from the Council might only be made in such instances. Discussion and negotiation around such instances is essential prior to the transition commencing or any relevant meetings taking place and will require the agreement of the Service Manager with responsibility for the adoption service. Failure to do so may result in carers or prospective adopters being liable for the costs incurred.

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