Recruitment - Who can foster?

If you are over 21 and are legally able to work in the UK then you can apply to foster

Foster carers come from all walks of life - they can be as diverse as the children they look after. Carers can be single, married or with a partner and be of any sexual orientation. You can be a homeowner or live in rented accommodation. What you do need is time, patience, energy and understanding to give to children. We are looking for people who are nurturing, child centered and are able to understand the impact of trauma and early childhood adversities have on a child’s development.

The Journey to become a Foster Carer

Step 1

Get in touch on 01224 067604 or fill in the enquire now link with your details.  A member of our team will be in touch to talk get some initial details and to you a bit more about fostering. 

Step 2

A Social Worker will come and visit you at your home to talk about fostering, look around your home, and support you to think about whether fostering is right for you. Within this informal conversation the worker will ask you about your- motivation to foster, what experiences you could bring to the role and take you through the process. Following this initial meeting we will let you know if we are able to proceed to the next stage. If we do not feel this is appropriate at this point then we will explain our reasons in full.  After the initial visit you will be given a workbook to help you prepare for the assessment.

Step 3

The next stage is an invitation to attend a three day Skills to Foster Course, this will give you further insight into the realities of becoming a foster carer. The course involves case studies of children, an overview of child development, the impact of loss and trauma on children and what the role of foster carer means. The course is often co-led by foster carers but we also have other members of the team and relevant people on hand to talk about their experiences. You will also find out the support that will be on offer to you including training courses, support groups and other resources you will be able to link in with. This course is mandatory.

Step 4

We would ask you to complete an assessment. Fostering requires commitment, motivation, skills and knowledge. A social worker will be allocated from the fostering team and will make a number of visits to your home. They will try to get to know you by exploring your own family background, your childhood experiences and your present circumstances. If you are a couple, the social worker will see you together and individually. PVG/Disclosure checks and a medical assessment are an integral part of the process. Appropriate references are also sought. A report called a Form F needs to be completed and the timeframe for this is usually 4-6 months. You will get the opportunity to read and comment on this report.

Step 5

The assessment report is presented to the Fostering and Kinship Panel and you will be asked to attend this alongside your assessing worker. Following the Panel a recommendation is passed to the Agency Decision Maker, who must consider the Panel’s recommendation within 4 weeks and inform you in writing within 7 days of his/her decision.

Step 6

Once approved your fostering journey starts. You will be allocated your own Supervising Social Worker who will support you on your journey.

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