Aberdeen Protects
- Support for Children and Young People and Support for Family and Friends - includes information about online safety, alcohol and drugs, child protection and more.
Aberdeen Young Persons Rights
Provide advocacy, guidance and support to Aberdeen children, young people and young adults, aged 0-26 years old, who are care experienced or are or have been involved in child protection processes, wherever they live.
Adoption and Fostering Alliance Scotland - https://afascotland.com/
Association for Fostering, Kinship & Adoption Scotland (afkascotland.org)
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
CAMHS have created a pool of helpful resources from across the internet - https://www.camhs-resources.co.uk/
Children First - The parent and carer helpline is there to listen, and to offer advice, support and information.
Telephone: 08000 28 22 33
Decision Making Guidance for Foster Carers - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)
"This guidance is intended to provide foster carers with an understanding of decision making about children: who can make decisions and why, what decisions a child can make, and the powers of carers to make decisions about the children they are caring for."
Facebook - Guide to Facebook Privacy
Family Information Service (FIS) provides free, comprehensive and up-to-date information and advice about all services for children, young people and their families in Aberdeen. Our directory of services is for parents, carers, young people and professionals.
Mind of My Own
- The One App helps young people communicate their views in a way that suits them. Young people create their own account, which can be used on any device at any time. This means that young people can use the app to say how they are feeling, what support they need and tell their worker about things that are important to them.
- Express is a co-designed, innovative and user-friendly app that helps children as young as two and those with additional needs express their views, wishes and feelings in a fun digital way that’s easy for workers to understand and evidence. This app is the perfect way to gather children’s views for their education, health and care plans.
Parenting Across Scotland - information for families of children of all ages, helplines and resources.
Parenting Advice and Guidance - from Children 1st Parentline.
Scottish Attachment in Action - https://www.saia.org.uk/
Scottish Child Law Centre
Provide free expert legal advice and information to children and young people, their families and carers, and professionals working for and with children by providing free expert legal advice and information through their advice line, email, and website.
Advice Line: 0131 667 6333 Webpage: www.sclc.org.uk
Scottish Social Services Council - SSSC Codes of Practice - Information for Service Users
Sunrise Partnership - deliver free, confidential support in direct 1:1 sessions and offer group work either as a day-long Loss Day Session or a ‘Seasons for Growth’ group. Sunrise helps young people to tell their story from their perspective, to make sense of what happened and considers the loss of important relationships and bereavements. Supporting many young people living in kinship arrangements
Who Cares Scotland
Who Cares? Scotland is a national voluntary organisation, working with care experienced young people and care leavers across Scotland.
Call: 0141 226 4441