Aberdeen Climate and Nature Pledge

Climate change is real, human induced, happening now and poses significant threats and, if grasped, opportunities for our society and economy.

With industry, commercial and public sector accounting for 38% of carbon emissions in Aberdeen, businesses have a crucial role to play in responding to the climate crisis. 

The Aberdeen Climate and Nature Pledge has been developed, in conjunction with the Net Zero Aberdeen Routemap and Aberdeen Adapts Framework, to accelerate action towards net zero, climate resilient and nature-positive city.

Join local businesses, organisations, schools and citizens in making a commitment to playing a part in Aberdeen’s journey to net zero and climate resilience.

What is the purpose of the pledge?

The Aberdeen Climate and Nature Pledge is a commitment by the organisations and people of the City of Aberdeen to act within their own organisations and lives to contribute towards the Net Zero Aberdeen Route map and Aberdeen Adapts climate adaptation framework.

Collaboration is at the heart of the city approach to climate change.
We must take early, effective action, and work together to achieve the city’s carbon reduction and climate resilience goals:

  • Net Zero – Net Zero carbon emissions by 2045
  • Adaptation – Build resilience to a changing climate
  • Nature – Manage 26% of Aberdeen for nature by 2026

By signing the Aberdeen Climate and Nature Pledge, you can get involved and play your part in contributing to these goals.

Who can sign up?

  • The Aberdeen Climate Pledge is open to businesses, organisations, and members of the public.
  • Signups for organisation/business can only be done by an authorised signatory.

What are the benefits of signing the pledge?

  • Demonstrate your commitment to acting on climate change.
  • A list of signatory organisations will be added to the Net Zero Aberdeen website.
  • A media pack with Aberdeen Climate and Nature Pledge logos for social media, and emails signatures for your organisation.
  • Early access to Net Zero Aberdeen and Aberdeen Adapts news and events.

What do I need to do to sign up?

  • The pledge is free to sign up to.
  • Sign up to the pledge scheme is through the Net Zero Aberdeen website.
  • The pledge scheme is administered by Aberdeen City Council for Net Zero Aberdeen.

Aberdeen Climate and Nature Pledge

Towards a net zero and climate resilient Aberdeen

For businesses and organisations 

We pledge to…

  • Join the collective journey towards net zero and climate resilience expressed in Net Zero Aberdeen and Aberdeen Adapts;
  • Accelerate the reduction of our organisation’s carbon emissions to contribute to the delivery of a Net Zero Aberdeen by 2045;
  • Collaborate across the city and region to reduce emissions, build climate resilience and help enable a just transition; and
  • Actively contribute to the protection and restoration of Aberdeen’s natural environment.

As an organisation we commit as a minimum to:

  • Measure our carbon* emissions and be transparent about our targets and performance;
  • Identify and assess climate risks affecting our organisation and customers;
  • Plan, implement and promote evidence-based actions to tackle climate change and nature restoration;
  • Embed environmental considerations into investments and decision making;
  • Engage with staff, stakeholders and customers about our climate and nature commitments, actions and progress at least annually; and
  • Support a just transition, ensuring our actions do not disadvantage any groups.

For individuals and households 

I pledge to… 

  • Join the collective journey towards net zero and climate resilience expressed in Net Zero Aberdeen and Aberdeen Adapts; 
  • Reduce my household carbon* emissions to contribute to the delivery of a Net Zero Aberdeen by 2045; 
  • Support the city and region in reducing emissions, building climate resilience and helping enable a just transition; and 
  • Contribute to the protection and restoration of Aberdeen’s natural environment. 

As an individual I commit to: 

  • Consider the environment in decisions on household purchasing 
  • Talk to family and friends about climate change and action we can all take 
  • Estimate my own/household carbon footprint and take action to reduce my emissions. 
  • Raise awareness of this pledge and help others to understand and reduce their carbon emissions too. 

*Carbon is used as a general term to represent all greenhouse gas emissions