Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire Archives will re-open to the public for research visits at the Town House on Broad Street on Tuesday 29 April. The Archives have been closed to the public for almost a year to allow the team to carry out a major collection move from Old Aberdeen House to the Town House.
The collections of Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire Archives contain a wealth of documents and records dating from the 12th century to the present day, relating to the rich history and heritage of the City of Aberdeen and the three ancient counties of Aberdeen, Banff and Kincardine. A valuable resource for all kinds of research, they range from minutes, registers, accounts, letters and logbooks, to maps, plans and photographs and include:
The oldest and most complete collection of burgh records in Scotland, dating back to 1398, which were recognised by UNESCO in 2013 as being of outstanding historical importance to the United Kingdom.
Burial records for the main city cemeteries before circa 1900.
School records including admission registers for almost 500 schools in the North East of Scotland.
Poor Relief records including Victorian parish registers of the poor in Aberdeenshire.
Church records for the ‘City churches’ of the Church of Scotland, many of the Congregational Churches and a number of Methodist congregations in both the City and Shire.
Electoral Rolls for the City and other counties in the North East of Scotland.
Business records including those of the Port of Aberdeen, the Northern Cooperative Society Ltd., and Esslemont and Mackintosh.
Advance booking for public research visits opens on Tuesday 1 April 2025. To make a booking, please email us on archives@aberdeencity.gov.uk. More information can be found at: https://www.aberdeencity.gov.uk/services/libraries-and-archives/aberdeen-city-and-aberdeenshire-archives/visitor-information
Read about the Archives move at https://aberdeenarchives.blogspot.com/
Follow Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire Archives on Facebook for all the latest news about reopening @aberdeencityandaberdeenshirearchives