News Archive
Local businesses, organisations, and residents are invited to make a commitment to playing their part in Aberdeen’s journey to net zero, climate resilience, and nature restoration by signing a new Aberdeen Climate and Nature Pledge which was launched today (16 November).
The pledge is…
Aberdeen City Council’s HyTrEc2 project, in partnership with North East Scotland College (NESCol), is inviting the public to an open session on Thursday 6 October at 1pm showcasing Aberdeen’s fleet of hydrogen vehicles.
The session will form part of day of pilot training modules being…
Aberdeen City Council is lending its support to Scotland’s Climate Week between 26 September and 2 October.
Our network of 60 Green Champions, made up of volunteers from Council staff, who play a vital role in supporting sustainability and climate activities, are leading on a series of…
Aberdeen City Council has won the Best Practice Award for its Climate Change Plan at the inaugural Scottish Renewables Net-Zero Energy Transition Awards, which took place at the Chester Hotel in Aberdeen last night (August 25).
Aberdeen City Council is supporting research amongst communities and businesses in the city to identify projects and activities to help deliver the switch to clean energy.
The work is being led by the World Energy Council (WEC), a global network of energy leaders which…
Today marks the official launch of The Reuse Shop at Aberdeen City Council’s Hazlehead Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC), selling good quality, used household items and furniture donated by residents.
The shop was officially opened by Aberdeen City Council’s Operational Delivery…
A major energy summit planned for this autumn in Aberdeen has been welcomed by council leaders as recognition of the city’s pioneering work in combating climate change.
The Scottish Government and World Energy Council recently announced that P&J Live will host the Energy Trilemma…
Aberdeen City Council today welcomed a group of delegates, led by the Deputy Prime Minister of Bavaria, to the city to visit a series of hydrogen and clean energy facilities.
The group, which included representatives from government bodies, industry and academia, visited the Aberdeen…
Aberdeen City Council today welcomed a group of MSPs from the Scottish Parliament’s Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee to visit several hydrogen and clean energy facilities around the city.
…A hydrogen-power 25kW energy generator is being trialled by hydrogen start-up company Hydrologiq at the ACHES (Aberdeen City Hydrogen Energy Storage) site, in partnership with Aberdeen City Council and Norco Energy.
The generator, believed to be the first of its size deployed in the UK…
Aberdeen City Council has entered into a 3-year Memorandum of Understanding with Hammerfest Kommune, the commercial centre of Norway’s West Finnmark province. The purpose of the Memorandum is to expand cooperation and enhance economic growth around the Energy and Marine Resource sectors in both…
School pupils from across Aberdeen today (3rd March) took part in a mock forum aimed at spreading awareness of climate change amongst young people.
Fifth and sixth-year pupils from Aberdeen secondary schools were invited to take part in Mock COP26, an event aimed at developing their…