Bavarian Ministerial Delegation Visit

Bavarian Ministerial Delegation visits Aberdeen for tour of Hydrogen projects

Aberdeen City Council today welcomed a group of delegates, led by the Deputy Prime Minister of Bavaria, to the city to visit a series of hydrogen and clean energy facilities.

The group, which included representatives from government bodies, industry and academia, visited the Aberdeen City Hydrogen Energy Storage (ACHES), site in Cove, the anaerobic digestion (AD) plant and energy centre at TECA and the Aberdeen South Harbour and Energy Transition Zone (ETZ) projects.

The visit was organised by the Scottish Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association and ETZ Ltd in partnership with Aberdeen City Council to share the city’s experience in the hydrogen sector.

The delegation also attended a business lunch facilitated by the Net Zero Technology Centre, ETZ Ltd, Invest Aberdeen, AREG and bp where they were joined by Aberdeen City Council co-leader Alex Nicoll to engage in discussions themed around skills, business development and investment and industry.

Aberdeen City Council Co-Leader Councillor Alex Nicoll said: “We are delighted to welcome delegates from across sectors from Bavaria to demonstrate to them the city’s expertise in the hydrogen sector.

“As a city we have ambitious targets set out in the Net Zero Route Map and we have a number of high-profile hydrogen and green-energy projects which showcase the fantastic work being done to reach these targets.”