image shows a group of neolithic carved stone balls

That Belongs in a Museum! Or does it? Public invited to have their say

Aberdeen residents are invited to get involved in discussions about what belongs in museums and who decides at a free event at Aberdeen Art Gallery on Saturday 24 September.

That Belongs in a Museum! is a day of presentations and discussions organised by Aberdeen Archives, Gallery & Museums. The symposium coincides with the exhibition The Galloway Hoard – Viking-age Treasure at Aberdeen Art Gallery. The Galloway Hoard was discovered by metal detectorists in 2014 and is the richest collection of rare Viking-age artefacts ever found in the UK or Ireland.

A range of speakers working in many different areas of the heritage sector will be exploring how artefacts end up in museums, who puts them there and why – and what it all means once they’re part of a collection. Speakers will be sharing insights into their own areas of work, from excavating skeletons under Aberdeen Art Gallery, to repatriation and ethical ownership and the idea of being ‘good ancestors’.

Panellists include Emily Freeman (Treasure Trove Manager), Neil Curtis (Head of Museums & Special Collections, University of Aberdeen) and Lesley Anne Rose (Safe Harbour: Open Sea project). Hear from Sue Taylor of Alford Heritage Museum on developing new approaches to collecting, Steven Watt of AOC Archaeology on the place of human remains in archaeological assemblages and museums, and artist Anthony

Curators at Aberdeen Archives, Gallery & Museums also hope that the symposium will help gather the views of local people about what is collected and how to improve representation of Aberdeen’s communities, how stored collections can be used, and how

Councillor Martin Greig, Aberdeen City Council’s culture spokesman, said: “This is a great opportunity to contribute to the current debate about what we should consider as our shared heritage. The event will explore how we decide what is of lasting historical value, what voices should be heard, what should be kept and what the purpose of museum objects might be. A museum is an important public service, and we want to hear people's views on what should be in the city’s collection. I encourage as many individuals as possible to get involved – all are welcome.”


That Belongs in a Museum!
Local heritage symposium
Saturday 24 September, 10.30am–3.30pm
Aberdeen Art Gallery, Schoolhill, Aberdeen AB10 1FQ
Free but booking essential at

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