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Call goes out for Aberdeen citizens to represent their community

Residents in Aberdeen are today (Tuesday 2 February) being invited to stand and represent their communities in forthcoming Community Council elections. 


Representatives are being sought for City Centre, Nigg and Rosemount and Mile End Community Councils in elections which take place on Wednesday 31 March.


Community Councils act as a voice for their local area and express the views of local people on issues that are most important to them. They are also a statutory consultee on all planning applications and liquor licensing applications. 


Anyone considering standing for election need not have any special skills or experience but should have a keen interest in their local community and be public spirited.  Candidates must be at least 16 years old and named on the current electoral register for the community council area in which they reside


The closing date for nominations is Thursday 3 March at 4pm with the notice of polling being on Monday 14 March, Polling day runs between 8am and 8pm on Wednesday 31 March.   


Leader of Aberdeen City Council, Councillor Jenny Laing said: “Community Councils play a huge role in shaping our communities, influencing our Local Outcomes Improvement Plan (LOIP) and are extremely important to local democracy.


“Through their work, we hear the collective local voices which influence planning decisions and service provision to the benefit of their communities.”


Community councils usually meet once a month, to discuss concerns in their local area and through public engagement should encourage feedback and involvement from everyone in the local community. This could include consultations, public meetings and actively promoting the work of the Community Council.    


Established under the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, most Community Councils comprise of up to 12 members with some having more, depending on the size of the population for that location, with each community councillor elected to serve for a period of three years.  


Anyone interested in standing as a Community Councillor and would like more information sessions should contact Karen Finch, Community Council Liaison Officer, Aberdeen City Council, via email or telephone 01224 522723.  

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