Susan Webb, the Vice Chair of Community Planning Aberdeen pictured with Councillor Christian Allard, Chair of Community Planning Aberdeen

Community Planning appoint new vice chairperson

Susan Webb, Director of Public Health, at NHS Grampian has been appointed to the post of Vice Chairperson of the Community Planning Aberdeen Board.

The appointment agreed by the Board, followed the announcement by Chief Superintendent Graeme Mackie, Divisional Commander, North East Division, Police Scotland, that he is stepping down from the role. Superintendent Mackie will remain a member of the Board. 

Aberdeen City Council Co-Leader Councillor Christian Allard, the Chair of the Community Planning Aberdeen Board, said: “On behalf of the Community Planning Aberdeen Board I would like to thank Chief Superintendent Mackie for his enthusiasm and commitment to help lead the charge to work in partnership to help improve the lives and opportunities of our citizens.

“The appointment of Susan Webb, Director of Public Health at NHS Grampian to the post of vice chairperson when health equity is recognised as an important factor in people’s physical and mental wellbeing is significant.  Susan’s knowledge and expertise will help our collective vision for Aberdeen to be a place where all people can prosper regardless of their background or circumstance.”

Susan Webb, Director of Public Health, NHS Grampian and the new vice-chair of the Community Planning Aberdeen Board, said: "The Community Planning Partnership has an ambitious plan to increase the number of years everyone in Aberdeen spends in good physical and mental health. As a director of public health this is naturally a cause close to my heart and I am delighted to take up the role of vice chair. Strong partnerships across the public sector will be key to achieving our aims, along with ensuring individuals and communities are at the heart of everything we do. I am excited to get to work.”

Community Planning Aberdeen is the local partnership of public, private and third sector organisations and communities working together to improve people’s lives across the city through the Local Outcome Improvement Plan.  

When members of the Board met last week, they also discussed the draft refreshed Local Outcome Improvement Plan 2016-26, which is currently being updated to ensure that it remains focussed on priority issues over the next two years. The refreshed Local Outcome Improvement Plan and the Locality Plans for North, Central and South are due to be presented for approval to the Community Planning Aberdeen Board on 29 April 2024.

Community Planning Aberdeen consists of Aberdeen City Council, ACVO (Aberdeen Council for Voluntary Organisations), Aberdeen Civic Forum, Active Aberdeen Partnership, Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership, NHS Grampian, North East Scotland College, Police Scotland, Skills Development Scotland, Scottish Enterprise, NESTRANS, Scottish Fire & Rescue Service, Robert Gordon University and the University of Aberdeen.

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