Council appoints Lord Provost, Co-Leaders and Committee Conveners

At a meeting of Full Council today it was noted that, following the Local Government (Council) Elections on May 5, 2022, the Scottish National Party and Liberal Democrats would form a partnership to lead the council.

Councillor David Cameron was appointed as Lord Provost and Councillor Steve Delaney as Depute Provost. Councillors Alex Nicoll and Ian Yuill were appointed as Co-Leaders of the Council.

Elected Members (councillors) were appointed to the following positions:

Committee Convener Vice Convener
City Growth and Resources Alex McLellan Ian Yuill
Operational Delivery Miranda Radley Ian Yuill
Education Martin Greig Jessica Mennie
Licensing Committee Gill Al-Samarai Steve Delaney
Planning Dell Henrickson Desmond Bouse
IJB   John Cooke
Staff Governance Neil Copland Gill Al-Samarai
Pensions John Cooke Neil MacGregor
Strategic Commissioning Ian Yuill Michael Hutchison
Capital Programmes Christian Allard Ciaran McRae
Public Protection Ciaran McRae Dell Henrickson

The Council also welcomed the appointment by the Burgesses of Sylvia Halkertston as Lord Dean of Guild.

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