Laura Robertson (Senior Planner), Claire McArthur (Policy and Strategy Manager), David Dunne (Chief Officer, Strategic Place Planning), Sinclair Laing (Climate and Environment Policy Manager) and Sepideh Hajisoltani (Planner) of Aberdeen City Council receiving the ‘Best Plan’ and ‘Planning Authority of the Year’ awards.

Council awarded two top prizes at Royal Town Planning Institute Awards Ceremony

Aberdeen City Council was awarded both the ‘Best Plan’ award for the Net Zero Aberdeen Routemap and the ‘Planning Authority of the Year’ for the Strategic Place Planning Service at the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) for Scottish Awards for Planning Excellence ceremony last week (15 June).  

The RTPI award programmes are designed to showcase and reward outstanding achievements in planning. The awards aim to celebrate the contribution made by the planning profession to communities across the world, and to raise awareness and understanding of the work of this industry.

As a city at the heart of the global energy sector, a just energy transition is a vital priority for Aberdeen. Through creation of a Net Zero Aberdeen Routemap, sectors from across the city have co-created a pathway leading the way towards a net zero Aberdeen.

Strong collaboration is at the core of these net zero ambitions, recognising that climate change is a challenge that will affect us all and can’t be solved by one organisation alone.

Aberdeen City Council Co Leader Councillor Ian Yuill, said: “Winning the 'Best Plan' award for Aberdeen’s Net Zero Routemap recognises the considerable efforts that the City Council is taking in the face of climate change.

“My congratulations to the Strategic Place Planning service who also won the award for ‘Planning Authority of the Year’."

Aberdeen City Council Co Leader Councillor Christian Allard said: “This is a great result not only winning Best Plan but also Planning Authority of the Year. These awards highlight our ambitions to work together as a team to better our city and residents.”

The Strategic Place Planning service area includes the physical, social and economic activities used to maintain, regenerate and strengthen the place of Aberdeen. Their focus is to enable, facilitate and deliver effective placemaking across the City. This includes planning, transport, environmental, housing, building standards and digital initiatives.