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Councillors approve the reinstatement of Back Wynd taxi rank

Councillors today (Tuesday 5 July) agreed a proposal to reinstate a taxi rank at the city centre’s Back Wynd.  


The Licensing Committee approved the plan which will see the rank operating from 5am until midnight, as previously, with capacity for eleven vehicles. 


The move follows a consultation, which ran from May to June this year, with the public, the taxi trade, Police Scotland and Aberdeen City Council’s Roads and City Centre Masterplan teams.


The majority of responses were in favour of the taxi rank being reinstated and this will take place once road markings and signage are back in place.


Committee Convener, Councillor Gill Al-Samarai, said: “I am delighted that we are able to reinstate the taxi rank provision at Back Wynd and so increase accessibility to and from the city centre even more with the re-opening of the section of Union Street between Bridge Street and Market Street.


“The stakeholders we consulted with were, for the most part, in favour of the return of the taxi rank, and I am sure this is a view that will be shared by the majority of the public.”


Vice Convener, Councillor Steve Delaney, said: “This is an important move which will not only allow greater access to the city centre but will also play its part in the boosting of the area’s economy by helping increase footfall.”


"It also has a vital part to play in ensuring our city centre is accessible to all.”


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