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Power inequalities to be addressed in Aberdeen’s communities

The Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee endorsed a report today on the Community Empowerment Strategy 2023-2026.  

Community Empowerment focuses on enabling and building strong personal and community resilience, creating social relationships and building collective power.  

The Community Empowerment Strategy, which complements and supports the Aberdeen City Local Outcome Improvement Plan, acknowledges the power inequalities that exist across the city and makes a commitment to understand and address these.  

The strategy defines what improvement will look like by 2026, setting out an ambition that all communities are equal community planning partners and aims to ensure more people feel able to participate in decisions that change things for the better.  

This adds to the 15 priority outcomes within the Aberdeen City Local Outcome Improvement Plan (LOIP). 

The strategy includes a portal to new tools and a resources web page, that will have practical tips and advice for any individual or organisation seeking to make an improvement or engage with the local community.  

Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee Convener Councillor Miranda Radley said: “The Community Empowerment Strategy will benefit our local communities and help us to understand the power inequalities that exist in order to better address them.” 

Vice-convener Councillor Ciaran McRae said: “It is crucial that work is done to ensure that everyone’s voice is heard, and all residents can influence what happens in their communities.”   

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