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Public asked for their views on new planning guidance documents

People are being asked for their views from today on new statutory and non-statutory planning guidance documents.

The documents, known as Supplementary Guidance and Aberdeen Planning Guidance, sit alongside the new 2023 Local Development Plan which is expected to be formally adopted soon subject to Scottish Government approval.

The guidance provides more detail on how policies and site-specific requirements in the Local Development Plan 2023 are to be applied and used in the determination of planning applications as material planning considerations.

The Supplementary Guidance and Aberdeen Planning Guidance provide extra guidance about policies and sites mentioned in the local development plan and they supersede the existing 2017 ‘Supplementary Guidance’ documents which accompanied the 2017 Local Development Plan. 

The policy documents are broken into eight different themes including Health & Wellbeing, Placemaking by Design, Vibrant City, Supporting Business & Industrial Development, Meeting Housing & Community Needs, Delivering Infrastructure, Transport & Accessibility, Protecting & Enhancing the Natural Environment, and Sustainable Use of Resources. 

There are a further 11 documents which relate to development sites throughout the city. There is also one Supplementary Guidance document on developer obligations. 
A consultation on the documents ends on 21 April and people can take part at 

Alternatively, people can arrange to book an appointment via to view the documents at Marischal College, or they can access them on computers in public libraries. They can also request a copy or submit comments by writing to Development Plan Team, Strategic Place Planning, Business Hub 4 – Ground Floor North, Marischal College, Broad Street, Aberdeen, AB10 1AB. Comments can also be submitted via

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