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Map showing where the bus gates are going to be

Roadworks for new road layout to create bus priority route to start

Roadworks for a new road layout in the city centre which will create a bus priority route are to start on Monday (31 July 2023).

The new road layout will help to reduce travel times for buses in the city centre which will in turn encourage more people to use sustainable or active travel, which is one of the goals of the City Centre Masterplan. Pedal cycles, taxis, local hire vehicles and goods vehicles will also be able to access the bus priority route.

The bus priority route will minimise the amount of general traffic on Market Street (north of Guild Street), Guild Street (east of Wapping Street), and Bridge Street by stopping traffic from using these streets as through-routes.

Access to the Trinity Centre car park and roads adjacent to the restrictions will be maintained. The B988 (Denburn Road, Wapping Street, College Street, South College Street), Palmerston Place, the A956 (North Esplanade West, Market Street, Trinity Quay, Virginia Street and Commerce Street) will provide alternative routes for general traffic that previously used the roads where bus priority measures will be established.

The new South College Street junction improvements, which received £10million of Scottish Government funding, were delivered to provide extra capacity for general traffic and an alternative route ahead of the new bus priority route being introduced.

The first roadworks to create the bus priority route will be on Market Street followed by Guild Street and Bridge Street. Scottish Gas Networks is also closing Union Terrace from 31 July until 11 August to carry out a gas connection to a nearby property and roadworks on the new bus priority route will take place at the same time.

The bus priority route roadworks schedule is:

31 July to 2 August:

Road closures –

Union St Westbound (Market Street to Marischal Street);

Market St (Guild Street to Union Street).

Lane closures -

Castle Street (Union Street to King Street);

King Street (West North Street to Castle Street);

East North Street (100m stretch from junction of King Street);

West North Street (100m stretch from junction of King Street).

7-11 August;

Lane closures -

Carmelite Street (dual carriageway);

Denburn Road (road below Trinity Centre);

Wapping Street.

12 – 14 August;

Road closures -

Bridge Street;

Union Terrace.

Lane closures -

College Street (Guild Street to Wapping Street);

Union Street (Diamond Street to Union Terrace).

14 – 18 August

Road closures -

Guild Street (Market Street to Carmelite Street) .

Lane closures -

Market Street (Guild Street south to Union Square);

Virginia Street (Shore Brae to Market Street).

NB Bridge Street and Guild Street will not both be closed on the 14 August.

As part of the works for the new bus priority route, additional bus gates and lanes are being created on Union Street/Market Street (between its junctions with Hadden St and the Adelphi), the east side of Guild Street, and on Bridge Street.

There will also be a ban on turning right from Union Terrace to Rosemount Viaduct (except for buses, taxis, and cycles), and Schoolhill will remain a pedestrian and cycle zone from Back Wynd to Flourmill Lane, with motor vehicle access only permitted for loading from 4.30pm to 11am.

The works for the various roads affected, which includes lining and signage works, will be carried out on a rolling basis and are expected to take about three weeks to complete, weather permitting.

The bus priority route was agreed at a meeting of the Full Council last June (2022) as part of the City Centre Masterplan to encourage sustainable and active travel in the city centre.

Council Co-Leader Councillor Ian Yuill said: “The new road layout will help to reduce travel times for buses in the city centre so will be a boost to bus passengers travelling from the city and further afield.

“We are investing in the new infrastructure as part of the City Centre Masterplan, which is aimed at making the area a more attractive place to live, work, and visit.”

Net Zero, Environment and Transport Committee Vice Convener Councillor Miranda Radley said: “These interventions will give a much needed boost to our public transport network as we want to encourage people to walk, cycle or take public transport where they can and they will also have a positive impact on lowering emissions in our city centre.”

Statutory stakeholders including emergency services have already been informed of the road layout changes which are being achieved through an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO).

A six-month-long public consultation as part of the ETRO has started and people can take part on the City Council’s website at THE ABERDEEN CITY COUNCIL (CITY CENTRE, ABERDEEN) (TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT) (EXPERIMENTAL) ORDER 2023 - Aberdeen City Council - Citizen Space

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