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Union Street

Statutory consultation underway for Union Street Central reopening for buses

A statutory consultation is currently underway for a traffic order which would reopen Union Street Central to buses.


Aberdeen City Council’s Full Council approved the reopening move at a meeting on 28 February subject to required works being completed. A date for the reopening will be publicised when details are confirmed.


This first consultation phase with statutory consultees for the traffic order includes emergency services, public transport operators, freight representatives, cycle groups, business representatives, Disability Equity Partnership, Councillors, and appropriate community councils.


The reopening would include establishing bus gates at two places on Union Street at its junction with Bridge Street and Union Terrace, and its junction with Market Street. Accordingly, only local buses and pedal cycles will be permitted to enter the central section of Union Street at these junctions. Vehicles other than buses and cycles will not be allowed to use that section as a through-route. Taxis and private hires would access the area via Back Wynd.


The traffic order states that for vehicles, other than local buses and pedal cycles, access to Union Street for the purpose of loading adjacent to properties, or servicing properties, will be permitted between 4.30pm and 11am, and entry will be by way of Back Wynd.


The traffic order includes that a Pedestrian and Cycle Zone will be established in the Belmont Quarter - Back Wynd, Belmont Street, Little Belmont Street and Gaelic Lane. Blue badge parking will also be established there. Private Hire Vehicles will also be provided with access to Back Wynd.


For the purpose of vehicles loading adjacent to properties, or servicing properties in the Belmont Quarter, access will be permitted between 4.30pm and 11am, while access will be retained at any time to properties that have established vehicular accesses to off-street areas.


There will be traffic management restrictions put in place to direct traffic through the Belmont Quarter and a section of Little Belmont Street will be closed to motor vehicles.

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