Your Data: Consultation on Bucksburn Swimming Pool

How we use your information

Aberdeen City Council is undertaking a consultation to understand the impact of the closure of Bucksburn Swimming Pool has had on communities and individuals, especially those with the protected characteristics (age, disability, pregnancy and maternity, religion and belief, race, sex, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnerships). This consultation will take place from September to October 2023.

During the consultation various tools will be used to include written, digital, face to face and alternative formats to ensure participation is inclusive.  

Where you have provided your name and contact information, Aberdeen City Council collects this contact information about you to keep you up to date with the progress of the Consultation on Bucksburn Swimming Pool, including how to get involved in focus groups, workshops and other related activities and information.

Every update you receive from us will give you the option to withdraw from receiving updates or you can email us at at any time and we will remove your contact information. 

The consultation also asks questions about you. This information is voluntary. By providing this information you help us to monitor the statistical data to ensure the Council is interacting in a balanced way with groups of people with protected characteristics as defined by the Equality Act 2010.  This information will be stored separately from your consultation response.

A report will be made to Full Council in December 2023 which will include summary non-identifiable date from these consultation activities.

How long we keep your information for

Responses to the consultation survey will be kept until we complete the analysis that will inform the process of the Consultation on Bucksburn Swimming Pool. Thereafter, we will keep statistical and qualitative data beyond this point, but you will not be identifiable from this information. The resulting report will be published on the Council website until it is superseded and then retained indefinitely. This will not contain any data that can identify you as an individual.  

Your rights

You have rights in relation to your data, including the right to ask for a copy of it. See more information about the rights you have, as well as the contact details for the Council’s Data Protection Officer. You also have the right to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office if you think we have not handled your data properly. 

Our legal basis

Aberdeen City Council is the Data Controller for this data. Wherever we process personal data we must have a legal basis in data protection law and tell you what it is. The Council’s legal basis for the consultation processing is that it is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of the official authority vested in the Council. 

In doing so, we may also process special categories of personal data, should you choose to provide equality and diversity information. The Council’s legal basis for doing so is that it is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest, of the purpose of equality monitoring. 

The Council’s legal basis for processing your contact information is consent because you have consented by providing your information.  You can withdraw this consent at any time, as explained above.

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Please note, this form is anonymous, we can't reply directly to your feedback. If you would like to report an issue, make a complaint or suggestion, please Contact Us.