Our Missing Shares Service is available to assist a majority of flat owners to carry out common repairs when the other responsible owners are unable or unwilling to pay their share of repair costs (common areas of a tenement or block of flats only). Non-payment or lack of co-operation can hold up much needed repairs. Depending on the circumstances, the Council can choose to pay a missing share on behalf of an owner and recover the contribution. This means that owners can then proceed with getting much needed repairs carried out to keep their property in a good state of repair.
If the Council chooses to pay a missing share on behalf of an owner the contribution made will be recovered through the Council’s debt policy and may result in an inhibition being placed on the title of the property owned by the non-paying owner.
The inhibition will remain on the property title and the debt will be recovered on resale or transfer of the property if this is not paid by the owner in full before then.
Any fees incurred by the Council in the process will be recharged as well as interest (the level of interest for the term of the repayment will be made clear from the outset of the recovery process).