Artists' impression showing the new link road

Consultation and public exhibition for new South Harbour link road

A public exhibition is being held next week to gather feedback on a preferred option for a new South Harbour link road.

The proposed new route would include a new bridge over the Aberdeen to Dundee railway line, 2.5miles of upgraded road with adjacent walking, cycling and wheeling from the new South Harbour to Wellington Road, and also re-align the Coast Road/Harness Road junction.

The new re-aligned section of Hareness Road would connect with the Coast Road, north of the existing junction and making this section the main through-route. The Coast Road towards Burnbanks Village and Cove would become a minor side road, at a new junction.

Aberdeen City Council Co-Leader Councillor Ian Yuill said: “I hope as many of those who use these roads as possible attend the public exhibition on 1 November and take part in the consultation.”

The benefits of the Aberdeen South Harbour Link Road (ASHLR) would include:

  • Reduce journey times for heavy goods vehicles between Aberdeen South Harbour and the city bypass (AWPR);
  • Reduce the environmental and nuisance impacts of HGV's through Torry and Cove as they move towards the city bypass;
  • Improve connectivity for all modes of transport (car, public transport, walking, wheeling, and cycling);
  • Improve connectivity between existing and proposed Energy Transition Zone businesses and other energy related businesses in Aberdeen;
  • Improve access to Aberdeen South Harbour and proposed ETZ sites for the widest range of abnormal loads possible whilst minimising the impact on residential and business properties, including Torry and Cove.

The project is currently in the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB) Stage 3 Scheme Assessment which will finish with a conceptual design that is taken into detailed design for construction.

The project forms part of an overarching £826million funding package for the Aberdeen City Region Deal. Part of this deal is to upgrade the existing transportation links to the recently opened Aberdeen South Harbour. The Aberdeen City Region Deal is a partnership between Aberdeen City Council, Aberdeenshire Council, Opportunity North East, other regional partners, the private sector, Scottish Government, and UK Government.

The exhibition is being held to show the work completed during the DMRB Stage 2 Route Options Assessment and the preferred option that has been carried through to the current conceptual design stage and to allow people to provide feedback or ask questions.

The exhibition is taking place at Torry United Free Church on Grampian Road on Wednesday 1 November from 12noon to 7pm, and a public online consultation is also due to start on Wednesday 1 November with further details to come via Aberdeen City Council’s social media.