Community Planning Aberdeen

Public consultation opens on latest Local Outcome Improvement Plan

People have the opportunity to share their views via a public consultation on the refreshed Local Outcome Improvement Plan and Locality Plans for north, south and central areas of the city launched by Community Planning Aberdeen yesterday (Monday 5 February).

Following the analysis of data and feedback gleaned from ‘What matters to you?’ engagement events held across the city in the last six months the Local Outcome Improvement Plan and Locality Plans have been updated and Community Planning Aberdeen now wants the public to share their views on the new documents.

Aberdeen City Council Co-Leader Councillor Christian Allard, Chair of the Board of Community Planning Aberdeen, said: “It is crucial that we engage with the people living in Aberdeen as the Local Outcome Improvement Plan and Locality Plans are ‘living’ documents of our priorities and commitment to all people living in the city.

“The Plans are ‘refreshed’ every two years to ensure that they reflect the right objectives for the city, and the people living in it, which is why it is so important that our citizens get involved. We are keen for children and young people to take part in the special consultation for them as we want to encourage our young people to be good citizens and know that we value their opinions and that they can help us to have a positive impact for us all.”

Community Planning Aberdeen is inviting people of all ages, living in the city to feedback what they think of:

  • The draft ‘refreshed’ Local Outcome improvement Plan (LOIP) 2016-26, which sets out its citywide priorities, which it has identified to help improve outcomes for all citizens in Aberdeen; and
  • The draft refreshed Locality Plans for NorthSouth and Central localities, which set out the priority outcomes it wants to achieve in each of the localities by 2026.

The views of children and young people are important to this process and a draft Children and Young Persons Local Outcome Improvement Plan consultation has been created to encourage engagement with the city’s young people and their participation in the process.

The consultation (including the children and young people’s version) is open until 25 February 2024, and gives everyone living in Aberdeen the opportunity to comment on the draft Plans before they are considered by the Community Planning Aberdeen Board on 29 April 2024.

Community Planning Aberdeen is the name for the local partnership of public, private and third sector organisations and communities all working together to improve people’s lives across Aberdeen. More information can be found via the Community Planning Aberdeen website

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