Councillors today (Wednesday 17 April) approved plans to increase public involvement in setting the City Council’s future spending plans.
The report on the lessons learned from the application of the Council’s Budget Protocol during last year’s public consultation also recommended the development of budget options and assessments of their likely impacts during the first quarter of the current financial year.
These will form the basis for engagement with both councillors and the public once a medium term financial plan is reported to councillors.
Councillor Alex McLellan, Convener of the Finance and Resources Committee, said: “Aberdeen City Council carried out its budget consultation for the first time which allowed people a chance to have their say on the savings options being presented to councillors.
“This process saw over 5000 responses over the two phases, and I hope that moving forward even more people will engage with the budget process in the months to come.”
Council Co-leader, Councillor Ian Yuill said: “The report highlights not only what worked well but also what can be improved.
“It is important that public involvement in and consultation on the Council’s budget-setting process is as open and inclusive as possible.”
The protocol saw over 5000 responses over the two phases of a ground-breaking public consultation in which participants prioritised the potential identified budget savings and their preferred areas of investment against a background of planning ahead for a funding shortfall of £83 million over the next four years as a result of the rising costs of delivering public services.