Roofs of houses in Aberdeen

Tenants urged to have their say on housing service

Council tenants are being encouraged to share their views on the current housing system.  

The Tenant Satisfaction Survey is open for all Aberdeen City Council tenants to take part in to help identify areas within the housing service for improvement.  

Councillor Miranda Radley, Convener of Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee said: “We are constantly looking for ways in which the Council’s housing service can be improved which will help to make Aberdeen an attractive place to live in.”

“I encourage all of our tenants to take part and share their opinions with us.”

Vice convener Councillor Dell Henrickson said: “The views of our tenants are crucial in looking towards the future of housing across Aberdeen and how we can improve our local communities.”

Aberdeen City Council, as a social landlord, is required by the Scottish Housing Regulator to carry out a Tenant Satisfaction Survey at least once every 3 years and the feedback gathered will be used to inform improvements across Aberdeen.

The survey will be open until Sunday 12th May 2024. For more information and to take part, visit our website.   

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