Our commitment to Fair Work First

What is Fair Work First?    

Fair Work First is an initiative by the Scottish Government that aims to encourage employers across Scotland to adopt fair working practices, specifically:    

  • Provide appropriate channels for effective workers' voice, such as trade union recognition   
  • Investment in workforce development   
  • No inappropriate use of zero hours contracts   
  • Action to tackle the gender pay gap and create a more diverse and inclusive workplace  
  • Payment of at least the real Living Wage   
  • Offer flexible and family friendly working practices for all workers from day one of employment  
  • Oppose the use of fire and rehire practice.  

By promoting these principles, Fair Work First seeks to ensure that employees are treated fairly, paid appropriately, and provided with opportunities for development and progression, while also fostering a positive and inclusive working environment. 

"Aberdeen City Council, and Scottish Local Government as a whole, remain committed to the Fair Work principles and to providing the highest standards of pay and conditions for our workforce, as well as working with our trade union partners wherever possible to ensure the long-term viability and sustainability of Scottish Local Government."

Aberdeen City Council has an action plan to demonstrate and deliver its commitments to Fair Work First, which includes several initiatives to promote fair work practices and create a more diverse and inclusive workplace. You’ll find a summary of this below. 

Aberdeen City Council is committed to providing a wide range of appropriate channels for effective employee voice, including those cited by Scottish Government.   We have a wide variety of established and well-used corporate employee voice mechanisms at Aberdeen City Council – formal and informal, open and anonymous - so that employees can raise issues, questions or concerns at any time in a way that is safe, direct, transparent and participative with any and many employees able to join the discussion.  

As a Council, we involve trade union/worker representatives in key governance and decision-making structures, including having TU colleagues as advisors at our own dedicated Staff Governance Committee. We recognise trade unions for the purpose of collective bargaining, encourage TU membership, and engage in constructive dialogue with relevant trade unions to address workplace issues.   

We provide a range of alternative employee voice channels including our online employee voice platform, Viva Engage; employee survey to enable confidential and/or anonymous feedback; and a variety of employee networks to enable cross-council collaboration and problem solving.  

Aberdeen City Council is committed to investment in workforce development to meet our statutory, legislative and ethical duties, and to motivate and retain our highly valued workforce through their continuous professional development.  

Investment in workforce development is at the heart of the council’s transformation programme for modernising service provision, so that our employees have the skills and confidence to deliver for our citizens in constantly evolving world. We have a capability framework and a development programme for our seven job families: Frontline Operational Services, Frontline Customer Services, Social & Community Services, Teachers, Information Services, People Managers, and Chief Officers.   

All staff at Aberdeen City Council have a contract which accurately reflects the hours worked, guarantees a minimum number of hours per week and does not involve compulsory overtime. 

Aberdeen City Council complies with all of its duties under the Equality Act (2010) including our Public Sector Equality Duty and Scottish Specific Duties. As part of this, we are required to set equality outcomes every four years, including employment-related equality outcomes. Our employer equality outcomes 2021-2025 are: 

Improve the diversity of our workforce and address any areas of underrepresentation, ensuring that there are equal opportunities for all protected groups (with consideration for both internal employees and external applicants), with a particular and prioritised focus on Age, Disability, Race and Sex.

Ensure that all of our employees who have protected characteristics feel fully valued, safe and included at work, with a particular and prioritised focus on Age, Disability, Gender reassignment, Race, Sex and Sexual orientation.   

As of 2024, Aberdeen City Council has an overall gender pay gap in favour of women.  However, it is recognised that this may not be the case in every part of the organisation and there is occupational segregation that exists.  To meet our Equality Outcomes, tackle the gender pay gap and create a more diverse and inclusive workplace, the council has an employment-related equality, diversity and inclusion action plan and a number of network and working groups that support with delivering on the equality outcomes and is committed to taking action. Read more about our commitment to a more diverse and inclusive workforce on our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion as an employer page.

Aberdeen City Council is recognised as a Living Wage Accredited Employer or an All Time Service Provider – we have an agreed pay structure which means the whole workforce is paid at least the real Living Wage. There is one exception to this, namely some 1st and 2nd year Craft Apprentices, who are paid in line with the nationally negotiated Craft Worker Agreement. Work is underway to amend the Craft apprentice pay scale to bring the lowest point in line with the real living wage. In addition, we have embarked on a delivery plan of action to further the commitment of becoming a real living wage City. 

Aberdeen City Council are proud to promote and support family friendly working practices for all employees from day one of their employment. We offer flexible working from day one of employment across the organisation, subject to business need.  

The council currently has a family friendly policy as well as guidance on maternity leave, paternity leave, shared parental leave, adoption leave, supporting employees going through IVF and supporting carers. 

The council has special leave provisions in place that support parents and those with caring responsibilities who find themselves in a position where they need to take leave. 

A Smarter Working project is currently underway to provide a policy and guidance, in a post-pandemic working environment, on smarter working options for employees considering where and when they work, where their roles allow.  This would include the right to formally request a smarter / flexible working arrangement from day one of employment, which goes beyond the current statutory requirement.  

Aberdeen City Council has a political commitment to no compulsory redundancy – which prevents the use of fire and rehire.

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