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Less than a week to go till close of phase 1 of budget consultation 2025

Aberdeen City Council launched its budget consultation online on 19 August, as we seek to understand how potential savings options might affect residents. Citizens are invited to provide their views.

2,142 responses have been provided so far and residents are being encouraged to add their views before 15 September when the consultation closes.

Councillor Alex McLellan, Convener of the Finance and Resources Committee, said: “I would like to thank everyone who has taken part in the consultation so far.

“As we move into the final week of the consultation, I would encourage anyone considering completing our budget consultation to log on and have their voice heard.” 

Council Co-Leader Councillor Ian Yuill said: “We had a great turnout for last year's budget consultation. I hope even more people take the time to do so this year. 

“The feedback the Council receives from the public will help councillors make the decisions needed to set next year's Council budget."

Phase 1 of the consultation closes on 15 September and aims to capture feedback on the potential impact of service change options across seven themed areas. The results of the first phase of the consultation will be reported at the full Council meeting on 2 October. 

For those without internet access at home or requiring digital support, the consultation can be accessed at the Central Library on Rosemount Viaduct or the Marischal College Customer Service Centre on Broad Street during normal working hours.