The EcoCity Awards recognise and reward local people for their efforts to make Aberdeen a more sustainable city. Our Environmental Policy Team work in partnership with the Environmental Services Team, Energy Team, Transport Team and the Recycling Team on the EcoCity Awards and invite submissions from individuals, community groups, schools, businesses, charities and other organisations.
Waste and Recycling Champion EcoCity Award
Winner: NCT Aberdeen
For the individual, organisation or school in Aberdeen which has most successfully demonstrated a commitment to promoting or facilitating sustainable waste management including waste reduction, reuse or recycling.
Clean-up Champion Individual EcoCity Award
Winner: Lorna Graham
Recognising the efforts of individuals making Aberdeen a more beautiful place by picking-up litter.
Clean-up Champion Organisation Eco-City Award
Winner: Aberdeen University Marine Society
Recognising the efforts of organisations making Aberdeen a more beautiful place by picking-up litter.
Sustainable Travel Eco-City Award
Winner: Cults Primary School
For the individual or school in Aberdeen which has most successfully demonstrated a commitment to promoting or facilitating sustainable waste management including waste reduction, reuse or recycling.
Growing Smarter Individual EcoCity Award
Winner: Daniel Shand
For the individual who has most successfully promoted, or contributed to, enhancing the environment and improving the quality of life in Aberdeen.
Growing Smarter Organisation EcoCity Award
Winner: RSPB Scotland
For the organisation which has most successfully promoted, or contributed to, enhancing the environment and improving the quality of life in Aberdeen.
Sustainable Food Eco-City Award
Winner: Bonnymuir Green Community Trust
For the organisation which has most successfully demonstrated a commitment to promoting and facilitating sustainable food (ethical, locally sourced etc.) in Aberdeen.
Judges Award - Project Craster
Winner: Aberdeen City Council - Environmental Service
For the best new-comer or innovative entry as awarded at the discretion of the judges.
Overall EcoCity Award
Winner: Bonnymuir Green Community Trust
For the most inspiring entry helping Aberdeen to become a more sustainable city.