The key stages of your application are:
When making a decision on an application, the Council must firstly consider whether the proposal complies with national planning policies and advice as laid down by the Scottish Government and local policies set out in the Council's own Local Development Plan and National Planning Framework 4. For any application, therefore, it is important to check the current Local Plans in the first instance to see if the site is covered by any particular policies which may have relevance to the proposal. More detailed interpretation of policies in those plans may also be available in supplementary guidance documents that have been produced. The Council will also consider issues of particular relevance to the proposal or site, including, for example:
- The planning history of the site.
- The design of the proposed development and impact on the surrounding area.
- The environmental impact of the proposal.
- The traffic impact of the proposal.
- The impact of the proposal on infrastructure, such as water supply and drainage.
- The views of statutory consultees, such as the roads authority for example.
- The views of neighbours who have submitted written comments, as long as material to the application.