We CARE Charter and Commitments

We are committed to providing the best service we can to our citizens. Our We CARE Charter and Commitments outline what good service should look like across all our services. It is our pledge to our citizens about what you can expect when interacting with us.

We CARE Charter and Commitment - Connected, Accessible, Responsive and Empowered

Our commitments


  • We will support and encourage you to use our online services.
  • We will connect you with other services and groups across the city who can also help you and offer the best support.


  • We will make sure our communication with you is easy to understand and recognise that sometimes people need information provided in different ways.
  • We will always be approachable, empathetic and keen to listen and understand your needs.


  • We will aim to be open and honest with you about what we can and can't do and the reasons for this.
  • We will aim to deliver the best services possible and support our most vulnerable citizens.


  • We will involve you in helping us to design and test the ways we deliver our services.
  • We will listen and act upon your feedback, whether it's a complaint, comment or a compliment.

Have your say

We want to know how well we are delivering against our commitments. We want to know what we are doing well, and where we could improve. If you have any feedback about the service you have received you can visit our feedback page or use our online feedback form to get in touch with us:

Help shape our service

We are providing our citizens with the opportunity to help us improve how our services are delivered. If you would like to help shape our services, please visit www.aberdeencity.gov.uk/shapeourservices


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Please note, this form is anonymous, we can't reply directly to your feedback. If you would like to report an issue, make a complaint or suggestion, please Contact Us.