ImportantThe Council Tax and Benefits Portal will be unavailable from 6pm 6th March-11th March due to annual processing of Council Tax bills and benefit notifications. 

Armed Forces Day 2024

Armed Forces Day Parade - Saturday 29 June 2024

Watch the impressive parade of serving military personnel, veteran associations, reservist, cadet and youth organisations accompanied by local pipe bands march through the city centre.

The parade is a celebration of the history and proud record of our armed forces and allows the people of Aberdeen to show their respect for the role the armed forces play within our society.

If you are connected to the armed forces (serving personnel, veteran, cadet, or reservist) and would like to be involved in the city’s Armed Forces Day parade, please contact the City Events team at:

Event details

The parade will start at Albyn Place at 11am and go along Union Street, Union Terrace, Schoolhill, Upperkirkgate and Broad Street. The Lord Provost of Aberdeen Dr David Cameron will take the salute outside in front of the City’s official flagpole on Broad Street.

The parade is expected to take approximately 30 minutes and will end at the Castlegate. 

Please note that the traditional route of the parade has changed due to the City Centre Masterplan works which begin on Union Street on Monday 29 April 2024.

Design a flag competition 

Primary age children in Aberdeen are invited to enter Aberdeen City Council’s Design a Flag competition. The winning design will be printed on handheld flags, which will be distributed to members of the public who line up along the city centre to show their support for our Armed Forces past, present and future.  

The competition has now closed. You can view the winning design from Marianna Kunitsyna from Broomhill School here.

Road closures

Temporary road closures are in place during the Armed Forces Day parade. Find out what temporary road closures are in place. 


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