Rent increases
The Scottish Government has confirmed that temporary restrictions on rent increases in the private rented sector will end on 31 March 2025.
From 1 April 2025, any rent increase notices issued by landlords in the Private Rented Sector will no longer be subject to restrictions on the proposed increase. If a tenant appeals the new rent charge, they can apply to the rent officer or tribunal where subsequently the rent will be set at the open market rental value, even if it is higher than the amount the landlord initially proposed.
Information on how to appeal a rent increase can be found on the Scottish Government website.
Benefits and money advice
Aberdeen City Council provide a free confidential benefit and money advice service to anyone resident in Aberdeen.
To find out more and complete an online referral form please visit our benefits and money advice webpage.
Home Energy Scotland
Home Energy Scotland is an energy advice service funded by the Scottish Government who provide free impartial advice on making your home easier to heat and can help you to:
- Manage energy costs more easily
- Make your home warmer and more comfortable
- Reduce your carbon footprint
You can visit the Home Energy Scotland website or call the free phone number 0808 808 2282.
Landlord registration
All private landlords are legally required to register with their local authority. You can check to see if your landlord is registered through the Landlord Registration Scotland website.
If you cannot find your landlords details on the Landlord Registration website, please email details to our team: