Gallowgate Flats

Multi-storey buildings in Aberdeen to become “listed”

Five multi-storey buildings in Aberdeen have been added to Scotland’s listed building register:

  • Gilcomstoun Land; 
  • Gallowgate (Seamount and Porthill Courts); 
  • Castlehill (Marischal and Virginia Courts). 

Historic Environment Scotland (HES) had originally included eight multi-storeys, which the public body said illustrated the physical and social changes taking place post-war.

However, the Council challenged the decision – and a Planning and Environmental Appeals Decision (DEPA) Reporter agreed that Hutcheon Court, Greig Court and Thistle Court should be removed by HES. 

Council leader Councillor Jenny Laing said: “The Council notes the Reporter’s decision. We are pleased that the Reporter agreed with the Council and overturned the listings for Thistle Court, Hutcheon Court and Greig Court.  

“Although the buildings at Gallowgate, Castlehill and Gilcomstoun Land will remain A listed, we also note that the Reporter has determined than the interiors of those buildings will no longer be listed.  

“Following the consideration of legal advice, we do not intend to appeal the Reporter’s decision.” 

To preserve the character of listed buildings, alterations can require special consent separate to any planning permission.