Council tax bill 2024/25
Council Tax for 2024/25 has been frozen at the 2023/24 charge.If you have received your Council Tax bill and you are wondering why it has gone up, it is due to a Scottish Water increase for water supply and waste water.
The front of your Council Tax bill explained
The numbered sections are explained below under the image.
- This is the barcode that allows you to make payments at a PayPoint
- The person(s) liable for payment of the bill
- Contact address where the Council Tax bill will be issued
- This is the property that the Council Tax bill relates to
- This is the property number that the Council Tax bill relates to (This will not change)
- Your Council Tax reference number. To help us deal with your query quickly, always quote this number when you contact us
- This is the date the bill was produced
- This is the financial year that your bill relates to
- This is the amount you will pay for the financial year, at the time your bill was produced. If, since this time, you have had a change in circumstances this amount may be different. You should receive a new bill to reflect any changes
- This is how you should pay your council tax bill. In a single, one-off payment or in instalments
- This explains how your Council Tax bill has been worked out
- Band. This is the valuation band your property is in. The amount of Council Tax you pay is directly related to this
- Charges for your bill. This will be broken down between Council Tax, water and waste water (where applicable)
- Any adjustments to your account, for example single person discount or Council Tax reduction
- What you are due up to the date the bill was produced
Below is the information that is printed on the back of your Council Tax bill.
The back of your Council Tax bill explained
Paperless billing
Signing up to paperless billing is a quicker and more convenient way to receive and check your Council Tax bills.
Payment difficulties
If you think you will have difficulty paying your Council Tax bill, please contact us as we can take account of your circumstances and discuss payment arrangements. Free, confidential money advice is available. Or you can contact Aberdeen Citizens Advice Bureau, 41 Union Street, Aberdeen. Tel 01224 569750. Email They offer an online calculator.
- Reductions and Applications - Find out if you qualify for Council Tax Reduction, a discount or an exemption and how to apply.
- Council Tax not charged correctly - Please contact us as soon as possible if you think that the amount charged is incorrect or you are not responsible for paying the bill.
- Change(s) in your Circumstances - If your circumstances have changed such as a move in or out of your property, a change of name or someone in your household becomes 18, then this may affect the amount you have to pay. Please notify us as soon as possible. You can report changes online at any time on our website.
Please visit Council Tax for more information on the following:
- Reductions and Applications - Find out if you qualify for Council Tax Reduction, a discount or an exemption and how to apply
- Council Tax not charged correctly - Please contact us as soon as possible if you think that the amount charged is incorrect or you are not responsible for paying the bill. Please see Council Tax for more information.
You must continue to pay the amount shown on your bill until you receive the outcome of your review or appeal.
Council Tax Reduction
If you do not agree with the amount of Council Tax Reduction awarded you can ask for a review. Please visit Apply for Council Tax Reduction for more information.
Valuation banding appeal
Grampian Assessor decides the valuation band of all properties. If you have a query on the band of a property please contact Grampian Assessor on 01224 068400.
Waste and wastewater
Scottish Water are responsible for setting these charges. You can contact Scottish Water on 0800 0778 778.
Financial information
How Council Tax is calculated and applied to properties in valuation bands A to H, alongside spending and other financial information.
Your data
We collect and maintain information about you for Council Tax, Water and Waste Water purposes in line with the Local Government Finance Act 1992. We share information with the DWP, HMRC, Sheriff Officers and a variety of other organisations all as allowed by law. This information is used across the Council, to ensure that we keep your name and address details accurate and up to date.
National Fraud Initiative
We have a duty to protect the public funds we administer. We will use the information you provide on our forms to help prevent and detect fraud. We will also share this information, for these purposes, with other organisations responsible for auditing or administering public funds.
More information about how we use and manage your information is available on our website. This page also has links to further information about your rights, and who to contact if you have a complaint about how we use your data.
How to contact us
Information on how to contact us, including our opening hours.
How to pay
The easiest way to pay your Council Tax is by Direct Debit. This is quick and easy to set up or amend and is covered by The Direct Debit Guarantee. Find out more information on how to set up a Direct Debit and other payment methods.
The Direct Debit Guarantee
This Guarantee is offered by all the Banks and Building Societies that accept instructions to pay Direct Debits.
If there are any changes to the amount, date, or frequency of your Direct Debit, Aberdeen City Council will notify you 10 working days in advance of your account being debited or as otherwise agreed. If you request Aberdeen City Council to collect a payment, confirmation of the amount and date will be given to you at the time of request.
If an error is made in the payment of your Direct Debit by Aberdeen City Council or your Bank or Building Society, you are entitled to a full and immediate refund of the amount paid from your Bank or Building Society. If you receive a refund you are not entitled to, you must pay it back when Aberdeen City Council asks you to.
You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by simply contacting your Bank or Building Society. Written confirmation may be required. Please also contact us as soon as possible using the details in the "How to contact us" section below.