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Common Good Fund to support Ukrainian refugees and local organisations

Aberdeen City Council today agreed to donate £25,000 to help refugees from Ukraine arriving in the UK. 

The allocation was made as part of its Common Good Fund budget agreed at the Town House. 

A raft of local organisations and projects will also benefit from donations made for 2022/23. 

More than 1.7 million Ukrainians have so far fled the country after Russia invaded 12 days ago. 

Councillor Ryan Houghton, convener of the City Growth and Resources Committee, said: “The Russian invasion of Ukraine has moved us all. 

"Hundreds of people in our city have, as they always do in a time of crisis, mobilised donations and offered their time to help organisations supporting those affected by Russia's illegal war on Ukraine. 

"In that spirit, we are making provision for £25,000 to help assist those arriving from Ukraine as refugees." 

The 2022/23 Common Good Fund budget includes donations to help “Friends of” volunteers maintain and improve city parks, including £80,000 for Hazlehead, £20,000 for Seaton, and £15,000 for Victoria and Westburn. 

The Gordon Highlanders Museum and Peacock Visual Arts will each receive £50,000, and the Denis Law Legacy Trust £30,000. 

Other donations agreed today included £45,000 for Home-Start Aberdeen, a charity which supports families and children, £26,500 for the Byron Boxing Club, and £12,800 for the Bridge of Don’s Men’s Shed. 

Council leader Councillor Jenny Laing said: “The council is delighted to working with community groups to deliver projects that make a real difference to improving lives across the city. 

“A partnership approach is the best way to harness the talent and enthusiasm in moving Aberdeen forward and our funding allocations reflect that.” 

The Lord Provost’s Charitable Trust has launched an appeal for people to help with the Ukraine crisis.


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