ImportantOur appointment system will not be available today, 1 - 4pm. This will affect bookings for customer appointments, education lets and recycling centre. 

Support for families

If you are on a low income and have children at school, you may be entitled to financial support. You can find out what you may be eligible for and when via the table below. 

More information on each grant and how to apply can be found via the links below. 

You can find out what benefits you could be entitled to by using our free online Benefit Calculator. 

You can also read the Family Support Leaflet for further information: 


Qualifying Criteria  Best Start Grant  Free School Meals  School Clothing Grant  Education Maintenance Allowance        
Income Support  Primary School 

Primary School 

Secondary School 

Staying On 

Primary School 

Secondary School 

Staying On 

Income Based Employment Support Allowance Primary School 

Primary School 

Secondary School 

Staying On 

Primary School 

Secondary School 

Staying On 

Income Related Employment Support Allowance Primary School 

Primary School 

Secondary School 

Staying On 

Primary School 

Secondary School 

Staying On 

Housing Benefit  Primary School 


Primary School 

Secondary School 

Staying On 

Council Tax Reduction     

Primary School 

Secondary School 

Staying On 

Pension Credits  Primary School 

Primary School 

Secondary School 

Staying On 

Child Tax Credits or Working Tax Credits  Primary School       
Both Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit with a household income of £7,920 or less   

Primary School 

Secondary School 

Staying On 

Child Tax Credit only with an annual income of less than £17,005  

Primary School 

Secondary School 

Staying On 

Universal Credit  Primary School       
Universal Credit with a monthly income of no more than £660  

Primary School 

Secondary School 

Staying On 

Universal Credit, with a single parent/carer working less than 16 hours per week with an annual earned income from employment of less than £17,005  

Primary School 

Secondary School 

Staying On 

Universal Credit, with both parents/carers working less than 24 hours per week with an annual earned income from employment of less than £17,005  

Primary School 

Secondary School 

Staying On 

Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999  

Primary School 

Secondary School 

Staying On 

Primary School 

Secondary School 

Staying On 

A young person aged 16-19 who attends school for a minimum of 21 guided learning hours per week        Staying On 
The young person qualifies if your household income is £24,421 or less (£26,884 if you have another child under 16 or under 25 in education)        Staying On 
The young person is willing to participate in an approved learning agreement at school        Staying on 


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