ImportantOur appointment system will not be available today, 1 - 4pm. This will affect bookings for customer appointments, education lets and recycling centre. 

Additional support contacts

Organisations providing advice, information and support can be found below. 

Service and address Contact details

Aberdeen ASN Mediation Service 


110 Crown Street 

Aberdeen AB11 6HJ 

Tel: 01224 560550


Enquire - the Scottish advive and information service for additional support for learning (the trading name of Children in Scotland Ltd), a charitable body registered in Scotland under registration number SC033576

Tel: 0345 123 2303 


Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance - a charitable body registered in Scotland under registration number SC033576   
Let's talk ASN - Govan Law Centre Trust, a charitable body registered in Scotland under registration number SCO33576   

NHS Grampian Board

Summerfield House

2 Eday Road

Aberdeen AB15 6RE 



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