Community Planning Aberdeen

Projects positive progress thanks to partnership working

An update on the progress of the Community Planning Aberdeen (CPA) Improvement Programme and overview for each of Stretch Outcomes within the Local Outcome Improvement Plan 2016-26 (LOIP) was presented to the members of the CPA Board yesterday (Wednesday 19 April 2023).

The vision within the Local Outcome Improvement Plan (LOIP) is for Aberdeen to be a place where all people can prosper, regardless of their background or circumstances.

The report provided the latest information on the projects which have started; due to start or have ended to deliver the CPA’s 16 Stretch Outcomes by 2026 and 81 shorter term improvement initiatives.

Highlights from the report include:

  • Aberdeen Responsible Business – achieved 200% increase in the number of responsible businesses working with CPA through Community Benefits and Corporate Social Responsibility activity.
  • Digital literacy achieved an increase of 10% in the number of people in Aberdeen who feel comfortable using digital tools.
  • Volunteering opportunities – aimed to increase opportunities for people to increase their contribution to communities (volunteering) by 10% by 2023; and surpassed this with a 17.4% increase. 
  • Reduce wilful fires – aimed to reduce wilful fires by 10% by 2022; the reduction is 12% from the 5-year average (2016-2020).

Aberdeen City Council Co-Leader Councillor Alex Nicoll, chair of Community Planning Aberdeen said: “There is a great deal of progress being by Community Planning Aberdeen in partnership with our communities to meet our LOIP objectives and by doing so improve the day-to-day life of our residents. 

“The continued commitment of the CPA partners and enthusiasm of our residents to engage with us will ensure that Aberdeen is a city, where everyone can prosper regardless of their background or circumstances.”

The link to the CPA’s Improvement Project dashboard:

The link to the agenda is

Community Empowerment and Gathering event

The Board also approved the initiation of seven projects set out in the Community Empowerment Strategy published in November 2022, signalling the Partnership’s commitment to proceed at pace to make improvements to how we work with communities and achieve the improvement aims set out within the strategy.

As part of the Strategy, residents and community groups from across the city are being invited to attend a Community Gathering, to bring them together, to connect and find out about what is going on in their local community.

Community Planning Aberdeen has organised the event, which will be held from 10am until 1.30pm on Saturday 13 May at the Cowdray Hall, Aberdeen Art Gallery, Schoolhill. 

For more information and to sign up to the event:

Community Planning Aberdeen is the name for the local partnership of public, private and third sector organisations and communities working together to improve people’s lives across Aberdeen City.

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