Aberdeen City Council will be carrying out a full public consultation regarding a proposed Visitor Levy Scheme for Aberdeen. The proposed scheme has been developed in conjunction with key organisations in Aberdeen’s visitor economy including VisitAberdeenshire and Aberdeen Convention Bureau, Aberdeen City and Shire Hotels Association, Aberdeen Performing Arts, Port of Aberdeen, Aberdeen Inspired, P&J Live, and VisitScotland.
The draft scheme has been shaped to ensure that Aberdeen is a leading visitor destination with levy funds used to support the ongoing, sustainable growth of the visitor economy.
Growth will be achieved by boosting business through attracting more large-scale conventions and expos, regularly hosting major culture and sporting events, supporting Aberdeen’s creative producers and venues, and increasing the promotion of Aberdeen as a great destination for business and leisure visitors. These measures will increase visitor numbers and give visitors reasons to stay longer and spend more.
Achieving the aims of the levy will have major benefits for local people and communities including increased employment and skills opportunities; more things to see and do in the city; better facilities and events for local creative and sporting talent; and access to internationally acclaimed venues, visitor attractions and public event spaces.
Before the full public consultation commences more information on the proposals can be found at
The Visitor Levy (Scotland) Act 2024 was passed by the Scottish Parliament on 28 May 2024 and received Royal Assent on 5 July 2024. This Act gives local authorities discretionary powers to introduce a visitor levy in their area for visitors staying in overnight accommodation.
To accompany the Visitor Levy (Scotland) Act 2024, Guidance on the Visitor Levy for Local Authorities has been published. This guidance was prepared by an Expert Group of stakeholders led by VisitScotland to assist local authorities and others with an interest in a Visitor Levy Scheme.
The Guidance states that when developing an outline for a potential Visitor Levy Scheme, local authorities should be able to draw a clear link to the objectives of its local tourism strategy and other related strategies. This ensures that any scheme objectives link to wider strategic thinking on the visitor economy, and how any net proceeds raised could best sustain, support and develop facilities or services substantially used for or used by persons visiting the scheme area for leisure or business purposes.
Aberdeen City Council’s tourism strategy and action plan are managed by VisitAberdeenshire which published the jointly agreed Destination Strategy in 2022 which aligns with the National Tourism Strategy. The Regional Economic Strategy also lays out the role of Aberdeen as a leading Scottish visitor destination alongside aims for culture and creative industries. Aberdeen’s Local Outcome Improvement Plan, Event 365 Plan and Culture Strategy were also considered in the formation of the draft scheme.
The Visitor Levy (Scotland) Act 2024 sets out the legislative framework for local authorities considering whether to introduce a Visitor Levy Scheme. Local authorities must prepare and publish:
- an outline of the proposed scheme;
- a statement about the cases and circumstances under the proposal in which the levy is not payable or may be reimbursed;
- a statement about the objectives of the proposal, including how the local authority intends to measure and report on the achievement of those objectives;
an assessment of the impacts of the proposal.
At a meeting of the Finance and Resources Committee on 12 February 2025, a draft Visitor Levy Scheme for Aberdeen was approved for statutory public consultation, which will commence soon and last for twelve weeks. The consultation will take place online and in-person.
Consultation opportunities will be outlined soon and well publicised through Aberdeen City Council social media channels and this web page. Key organisations in the visitor economy sector will also advise their members and mailing lists of ways to participate when the consultation commences.
Meantime, the PDF above outlines the Visitor Levy Scheme which will be consulted upon, including the main purpose and objectives of the scheme and the ways in which levy funds could be allocated. The full committee report can be found at item 11.1 at Agenda for Finance and Resources Committee on Wednesday, 12th February, 2025, 10.00 am