A new grant scheme has launched to support businesses to host events in the city centre that will contribute to vibrancy, enhance community spirit and support the local economy.
Applications are invited under the following criteria:
- For an award of £250, individual businesses organising an event for 10 attendees or more, additional to their regular daily offering or any regular events programming.
- For an award of £750, collectives of two or more businesses organising a free-to-attend community event, additional to their regular daily offering.
We would also like to draw attention to a further offer of a one-time £500 grant, designed to encourage businesses to take part in the upcoming Spectra 2025 festival by “Spectrafying” their business. This is interpretive and we are open to suggestions with this, however, interested businesses should consider light-based displays, decorations and adornments to their premises for the duration of the festival. Our goal here is to further enhance the vibrancy of the city during this period, as well as offer support to local businesses in taking part, potentially with extended opening hours during the festival, allowing businesses to take advantage of the increased footfall during this period.
Spectra, Scotland's Festival of Light, runs from Thursday 6 February to Sunday 9 February 2025 and will see Aberdeen city centre filled with artwork, light installations, projections and thousands of visitors. For more information please visit www.spectrafestival.com
Before applying, please read the Application Guidance in full. If you have any questions, please contact the project team by emailing BusinessSupport@aberdeencity.gov.uk
You can find the application form below. Once complete, please email the form and all supporting documents (see the checklist in the Guidance and FAQs below) to BusinessSupport@aberdeencity.gov.uk
Applications will be accepted until 28 February 2025 or until such time as funding has been fully allocated.
Assessment of applications
This fund is open to sole trader, partnership or limited company - evidenced as such through Companies House registration or a UTR number; trading as a micro, small or medium enterprise (up to 250 employees) within the city centre.
All complete applications received will be assessed and verified against the eligibility criteria by Aberdeen City Council. Incomplete applications may not be reviewed.
Successful applicants will be informed by offer letter. All decisions will be made at the discretion of Aberdeen City Council and are subject to the availability of funds.
The applicant may appeal an unsuccessful application up to 4 weeks after notification, by submitting a written request to appeal to BusinessSupport@aberdeencity.gov.uk. The application will then be reviewed by a second member of staff at Aberdeen City Council.
If you have any questions about the application form, guidance or eligibility, please contact BusinessSupport@aberdeencity.gov.uk
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