Council Tax bands

Council Tax and Scottish Water charges 2025-26

Council Tax BandCouncil Tax ChargeWater SupplyWaste Water CollectionTotal Charges to be paid
Band A£1,090.85£185.28£214.98£1491.11
Band B£1,272.65£216.16£250.81£1,739.62
Band C£1,454.46£247.04£286.64£1988.14
Band D£1,636.27£277.92£322.47£2,236.66
Band E£2,149.88£339.68£394.13£2,883.69
Band F£2,658.94£401.44£465.79£3,526.17
Band G£3,204.36£463.20£537.45£4,205.01
Band H£4,008.86£555.84£644.94£5,209.64

Find your Council Tax band

If you don't know what Council Tax band you are in, you can search by postcode and address.

Water and waste water charges

Council Tax bills for properties connected to mains services include charges made by Scottish Water for domestic water and waste water services. While we are required by law to include these charges in our bill, we are not responsible for setting the charges. If you have a query about water or waste water please contact Scottish Water.

I think my property is in the wrong Council Tax band

If you think that your property is in the wrong valuation band you can appeal this. To make a valuation banding appeal please contact:

Grampian Assessor 
Woodhill House Westburn Road Aberdeen AB16 5GE 
01224 068400

Council Tax and Scottish Water charges 2024-25

Council Tax bandCouncil Tax chargeWater supplyWaste water collectionTotal charges to be paid
Band A£993.03£168.60£195.66£1,357.29
Band B£1,158.54£196.70£228.27£1,583.51
Band C£1,324.04£224.80£260.88£1,809.72
Band D£1,489.55£252.90£293.49£2,035.94
Band E£1,957.10£309.10£358.71£2,624.91
Band F£2,420.52£365.30£423.93£3,209.75
Band G£2,917.04£421.50£489.15£3,827.69
Band H£3,649.40£505.80£586.98£4,742.18

Council Tax and Scottish Water charges 2023-24

Council Tax bandCouncil Tax chargeWater supplyWaste water collectionTotal charges to be paid
Band A£993.03£154.98£179.88£1,327.89
Band B£1,158.54£180.81£209.86£1,475.49
Band C£1,324.04£206.64£239.84£1,770.52
Band D£1,489.55£232.47£269.82£1,991.84
Band E£1,957.10£284.13£329.78£2,571.01
Band F£2,420.52£335.79£389.74£3,146.05
Band G£2,917.04£387.45£449.70£3,754.19
Band H£3,649.40£464.94£539.64£4,653.98 

Council Tax and Scottish Water charges 2021-22 

Council Tax band Council Tax chargeWater supplyWaste water collection Total charges to be paid 
Band A£918.20£141.66£164.46£1224.32
Band B £1071.23£165.27£191.87£1428.37
Band C £1224.27£188.88£219.28£1632.43
Band D £1377.30£212.49£246.69£1836.48
Band E£1809.62£259.71£301.51£2370.84
Band F£2238.11£306.93£356.33£2901.37
Band G £2697.21£354.15£411.15£3462.51
Band H £3374.39£424.98£493.38£4292.75 


Council Tax and Scottish Water charges 2020-21

Council Tax bandCouncil Tax chargeWater supplyWaste water collectionTotal charges to be paid
Band A£918.20 £138.24 £160.50 £1216.94
Band B£1071.23 £161.28 £187.25 £1419.76
Band C£1224.27 £184.32 £214.00 £1622.59
Band D£1377.30 £207.36 £240.75 £1825.41
Band E£1809.62 £253.44 £294.25 £2357.31
Band F£2238.11 £299.52 £347.75 £2885.38
Band G£2697.21 £345.60 £401.25 £3444.06
Band H£3374.39 £414.72 £481.50 £4270.61



Council Tax and Scottish Water charges 2019-20

Council Tax bandCouncil Tax chargeWater supplyWaste water collectionTotal charges to be paid
Band A£882.89£137.04£159.12£1179.05
Band B£1030.03£159.88£185.64£1375.55
Band C£1177.18£182.72£212.16£1572.06
Band D£1324.33£205.56£238.68£1768.57
Band E£1740.02£251.24£291.72£2282.98
Band F£2152.04£296.92£344.76£2793.72
Band G£2593.48£342.60£397.80£3333.88
Band H£3244.61£411.12£477.36£4133.09

Council Tax and Scottish Water charges 2018-19

Council Tax bandCouncil Tax chargeWater supplyWaste water collectionTotal charges to be paid
Band A£844.87£134.94£156.66£1136.47
Band B£985.68£157.43£182.77£1325.88
Band C£1126.49£179.92£208.88£1515.29
Band D£1267.30£202.41£234.99£1704.70
Band E£1665.09£247.39£287.21£2199.69
Band F£2059.36£292.37£339.43£2691.16
Band G£2481.80£337.35£391.65£3210.80
Band H£3104.89£404.82£469.98£3979.69

Council Tax bands 2017-18

Council Tax bandCurrent chargeRevised charge due to Scottish Parliament legislationWater supplyWaste water collectionTotal charges to be paid
Band A£820.26£820.26£132.84£154.20£1107.30
Band B£956.97£956.97£154.98£179.90£1291.85
Band C£1093.68£1093.68£177.12£205.60£1476.40
Band D£1230.39£1230.39£199.26£231.30£1660.95
Band E£1503.81£1616.60£243.54£282.70£2142.84
Band F£1777.23£1999.38£287.82£334.10£2621.30
Band G£2050.65£2409.51£332.10£385.50£3127.11
Band H£2460.78£3014.46£398.52£462.60£3875.58

The Scottish Parliament introduced legislation to change Council Tax from April 2017.

Council Tax is applied across a range of bands from A to H, with all bands having a relationship with band D, known as the multiplier. The national legislation has changed the council tax multipliers for properties in Bands E to H from 1 April 2017. There is no local discretion to change these multipliers.

The table below shows the current and revised multipliers for Band E to H and the percentage increase in charge. The table also shows what your current council tax is with the new multipliers applied. Scottish Water charges for water and wastewater will continue to be charged using the current multiplier and are excluded from this increase.

BandCurrent multiplierRevised multiplier: 1 April 20172016/17 Council Tax (current)2016/17 Council Tax (with new multipliers applied)Percentage change
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