ImportantOur appointment system will not be available today, 1 - 4pm. This will affect bookings for customer appointments, education lets and recycling centre. 

Altered and repaired property

If you qualify for either of these discounts you will still be liable for the full amount of the water and sewerage component of your council tax.

Qualifying criteria

100% discount

Property is:

  • unoccupied
  • undergoing or has undergone structural repairs or improvement, or reconstruction

This discount can be awarded for a maximum of 12 months from the last day when the property was occupied.

50% discount

  • property is unoccupied
  • you became the owner of the property and it is in need of structural alteration or major repair
  • the work is required to make the property safe for someone to live in
  • it was over 12 months since the property was last occupied when you became the owner

You need to meet all of the above criteria to qualify for this discount.

This discount can be awarded for up to 6 months from the date when you became the owner of the property.

Examples of work that would qualify:

  • Major roof repairs, leaving the property open to the elements

  • Major repairs to external walls leaving the property open to the elements
  • Removal of floorboards in the majority, or all of the property
  • Where a property is totally gutted, and is in effect a shell

Examples of work that would not qualify:

  • Replacement of kitchen/bathroom
  • Removal of internal dividing walls, which are not load bearing, and form part of the main structure of the property
  • Installation of central heating or other heating systems
  • Removal of floorboards in perhaps one or two rooms, but the remainder of the house is habitable;
  • Replacement of windows
  • Minor roof repairs
  • General redecoration

How to apply

Apply online

When completing the form we will ask you to upload evidence (such as receipts) in support of your application.  Please have the documents to hand. We accept photographs or scans of the documents.

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Please note, this form is anonymous, we can't reply directly to your feedback. If you would like to report an issue, make a complaint or suggestion, please Contact Us.