ImportantOur appointment system will not be available today, 1 - 4pm. This will affect bookings for customer appointments, education lets and recycling centre. 

Company directors and partnerships

If you qualify for this discount, you may be entitled to 50% off your Council Tax bill (excluding water and waste water charges).

Qualification criteria

You will qualify for this discount if you use the property as your second home and have a main residence somewhere else and:

  • you are a director of the company or an associated company, and
  • the second home is provided to you by a company because it's required for your employment and the company employs you as a full-time director.

You must meet both criteria to qualify. You do not qualify for this discount if you are renting a property because you are working temporarily in Aberdeen.
Please note the above discount is not applied to the water and waste water charge of your Council Tax bill.

How to apply

You must apply in writing explaining your circumstances. Please also provide evidence you are a director from Companies House and evidence the company pays for the accommodation.

We may ask you to provide further evidence to support your claim.

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