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Property left empty by someone who is receiving care elsewhere

This applies to a property which is unoccupied due to the occupant living elsewhere to receive care. The patient should have no intention to return home, for example if their stay in hospital is considered "permanent". This means that the hospital/ nursing home becomes the patient's sole residence.

Qualifying persons

  • A person who has moved into a nursing/ residential care home
  • A person who has moved in with a friend/ relative to receive long term care

In order for the exemption to be awarded the person must be absent for the whole of the period after the property ceased to be their sole or main residence, they may not return for weekends at home. This exemption has no time limit.

This exemption may also apply to someone who is absent from their property on a long term basis for the following reasons:

  • A person away receiving treatment for past/ present drug misuse
  • A person away receiving care for a mental illness
  • A person receiving long term care in hospital

There is a section on the form where the hospital/rehabilitation centre can confirm the longevity of the hospital stay.

In these instances the exemption also has no time limit and it ends if/ when residence is taken up again, or when liability changes hands.

How to apply

Apply online

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