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Severely Mentally Impaired

Qualifying criteria

Qualifying criteria Certain people who have severe mental impairments are disregarded for council tax purposes. This means that we bill your household as if you were not living there. If you live alone you will not have to pay council tax. You will qualify for this disregard if you

  • have a permanent and severe learning disability or mental health impairment
  • are in receipt of, or entitled to, one of the qualifying benefits below

You need to meet both these criteria to qualify. 

Please note that if there are another two adults living in the property, who are not in a disregard category, no reduction is applicable.

Qualifying benefits:

  • Employment and support allowance.
  • Incapacity Benefit.
  • Attendance Allowance.
  • Severe Disability Allowance.
  • Disability Living Allowance (DLA) (higher or middle rate care).
  • Personal Independence Payment/Adult Disability Payment (standard or enhanced Daily Living Component)
  • Disablement Pension for constant attendance at the increased rate.
  • Disability Working Allowance.
  • Unemployability Supplement/Allowance.
  • Constant Attendance Allowance.
  • Disability element of Working Tax Credit.
  • Universal Credit (limited capability for work and work-related activity element on award)
  • Armed Forces Independence Payment.

You can also qualify if you're entitled to any of these benefits but you don't receive them due to your age (for example you would qualify for DLA but you're over 65).

This disregard can be awarded for as long as you meet the above criteria and it can be backdated.

How to apply

You can apply for Severely Mentally Impaired discount or exemption online. When you apply you will need to upload a photo or scan of your qualifying benefit, and a supplementary Application for Severely Mental Impaired Discount/Exemption which has been completed and signed by a medical practitioner. Please make sure you have these before you apply.

You can find a supplementary application form below for printing and taking to your Doctor for completion.


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